Making Mukobeko Maximum male prison and its surrounding Community environmentally sustainable (2017-2019)

Making Mukobeko Maximum male prison and its surrounding Community environmentally sustainable (2017-2019)

On 17th January, PFF signed a two years contract with CSEF 2 aimed at producing a policy and guidelines on how to make Mukobeko Maximum male prison and its surrounding Community environmentally sustainable. Through this project PFF has achieved the following:

  • Produced the first ever environmental Policy for Zambia Correctional Service.
  • constructed 32 improved cook stoves at Mukobeko group of correctional facilities
  • Constructed 38 improved cook stoves in Muwowo community.
  • Constructed a 1X3 and 1X2 dry toilet blocks at Kalonga and dry Mukuyu correctional farms respectively
  • Established a 4 hector plantation supported with a borehole at Kalonga Correctional facilities
  •  Planted 680 trees  in Muwowo community

In the Photos below; 1-unveiling of the policy and guidelines and handing to Correctional Service Commissioner, 2& 3 constructed improved cook stoves at Mukobeko group of correctional facilities and in Muwowo community, 

Below are the  constructed dry toilets at Kalonga and Mukuyu correctional farms

 plantation at Kalonga correctional farm and tree compartments in Muwowo community.