Empowering Women Through Legal Support:

A Mother’s Journey with PFF In a small village near Kapiri Mposhi Town, a determined mother of six faced a life-altering challenge when her marriage was unexpectedly dissolved. Left to care for her children with minimal financial support, she found herself struggling to make ends meet. The court’s decision to allocate only K500.00 for the maintenance of all six children added to her burden, especially as her ex-husband hid significant assets.
Refusing to accept this injustice, she sought help from the Prisoners’ Future Foundation (PFF). With the support of PFF’s dedicated paralegals, she found the strength to challenge the court’s ruling. The PFF team assisted her in drafting the necessary documents to appeal the decision, offering her a glimmer of hope for a better future for her children.
This mother’s story highlights the critical role that legal aid plays in empowering vulnerable women. Many others face similar challenges Help PFF continue supporting vulnerable and marginalized women by donating today. Your contribution can change lives

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