Advocacy for Prisoners’ Health rights in Zambia (2011)
On 5th January, 2011 Prisoners` Future Foundation (PFF) started to engage government through the Ministries of Health and Justice working around Advocacy for Prisoners’ Health rights in Zambia where the overall objective was to Promote increased accessibility to health care in Zambian Prisons. It also offered training to both senior Police and Prison officers on Prisoners` Health rights. Human Rights Commission of Zambia facilitated the training. This was the first donor funding running one year accessed from Zambian governance foundation a local funder. Zambian Governance Foundation is a bilateral of five donors namely: DANIDA, SIDA, DFID, Irish Aid, and GIZ. The Finnish and Netherlands sit as observers. Below; Picture 1, inmates share their health needs with PFF staff at maximum prison chapel. 2nd Picture, the mobile hospital which was stationed inside Zambia`s only Male Maximum prison to avail health care to incarcerated people after PFF engaged the Ministry of Health